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Championship Injured Footballers

The following players are currently injured or unavailable for Championship games in the next week of the 2024-2025 season.

The player's number of league appearances this season, and the total minutes played in these games, are also shown.

Championship Injuries
Next game: 08-Feb - Sunderland v Watford
A. AleseBroken Leg701 mins in 12 appearances
A. BrowneBroken Leg617 mins in 12 appearances
J. DannsBack Injury0 appearances
N. HugginsKnee Injury0 appearances
R. MundleHamstring Injury1,029 mins in 15 appearances
T. WatsonKnee Injury430 mins in 10 appearances
C. WileyShoulder Injury0 appearances
D. BachmannAnkle Injury1,903 mins in 22 appearances
K. BaahInjury1,417 mins in 25 appearances
P. DwomohThigh Injury236 mins in 4 appearances
R. VataIllness831 mins in 19 appearances
V. BayoRed Card1,941 mins in 29 appearances
Next game: 08-Feb - West Brom v Sheff Wed
Sheff Wed
A. FamewoMuscle Injury642 mins in 8 appearances
A. MusabaMuscle Injury1,083 mins in 23 appearances
D. IorfaMuscle Injury1,122 mins in 16 appearances
West Brom
J. MajaCalf Injury2,078 mins in 26 appearances
S. AjayiLeg Injury1,062 mins in 12 appearances
Next game: 08-Feb - Norwich v Derby
C. Blackett-TaylorHamstring Injury400 mins in 12 appearances
C. ElderInjury1,501 mins in 21 appearances
C. NelsonKnee Injury2,430 mins in 27 appearances
D. BrownHamstring Injury379 mins in 15 appearances
D. OzohLeg Injury463 mins in 7 appearances
K. WilsonHamstring Injury1,551 mins in 23 appearances
N. PhillipsInjury1,076 mins in 19 appearances
A. ForsonLeg Injury635 mins in 17 appearances
A. SlimaneLeg Injury1,171 mins in 21 appearances
B. SainzRed Card2,303 mins in 26 appearances
G. ForsythKnee Injury163 mins in 5 appearances
L. GibbsHamstring Injury148 mins in 7 appearances
M. NunezMuscle Injury1,467 mins in 19 appearances
Next game: 08-Feb - Sheffield Utd v Portsmouth
I. BowatTendon Injury0 appearances
J. FarrellLeg Injury90 mins in 1 appearances
J. WilliamsMuscle Injury981 mins in 15 appearances
K. YengiKnee Injury398 mins in 8 appearances
P. LaneKnee Injury1,072 mins in 22 appearances
R. PooleHamstring Injury1,122 mins in 14 appearances
Sheffield Utd
F. SerikiInjury453 mins in 13 appearances
J. ShackletonFoot Injury283 mins in 12 appearances
K. MooreHernia1,495 mins in 20 appearances
O. ArblasterKnee Injury978 mins in 12 appearances
S. SachdevBroken Leg1 appearances
T. DaviesLeg Injury631 mins in 10 appearances
Next game: 09-Feb - Bristol City v Swansea
Bristol City
C. PringMuscle Injury1,497 mins in 21 appearances
J. WilliamsRed Card942 mins in 15 appearances
R. McCrorieRed Card783 mins in 13 appearances
H. DarlingRed Card2,450 mins in 28 appearances
K. PedersenHamstring Injury0 appearances